About Us

Who We Are

Esther Cooper Jackson Book Study (ECJBS) is a resource for political organizations on the left, progressive social movements, the working class and people of color. ECJBS’ is committed to a critical analysis of local, regional and global politics. We believe that movements are strongest when their organizing and activism are grounded in historical knowledge, strong theory and rigorous analysis.


In 2021 a group of established community organizers, writers and teachers engaged in a series of dialogues that eventually became the first book study cohort. They analyzed left movements and the future of movement-building in the U.S Beginning with a Book “Hammer and Hoe” by Robin DG Kelly. Through the historical  lessons of the Blackbelt South, the needs became clear: organizers today did not have enough time or space nor adequate tools to analyze the political, economic and social trends impacting their work. These dialogues confirmed the need for an organization dedicated to building strong practices in study (not simply literacy) and a strong left through education, analysis, theory, dialogue, and activism. From these roots Esther Cooper Jackson Book Study was born.

What We Do

We are committed to providing space and perspective for organizers and working class people by hosting classes, educational forums, study groups, presentations, film series and dialogues. We start at the very beginning-–with our passions. To date ECJBS has hosted nearly 50 such events both independently and in collaboration with others. We believe that through collective study our communities are equipped with the skills necessary to: 

Study -

The historical movements for organizers and activists to develop strong, clear political strategies that result in systemic change and fundamental shifts in power.

Skillbuid/Equip -

our people with the tools necessary to onramp community members into movement building organizations through training, forums, and events. 

Incubate -

new ideas and initiatives that utilize our program to support the development and capacity building of leadership across issues and sectors. 

If you are an individual, organization, community or network interested in learning more about how to bring ECJBS to an event near you, contact us at: info@esthercjbookstudy.org OR fill out the form below.

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